
Jujube trees Learn more about Jujube trees

  • Cultivation methods of potted jujube trees

    Cultivation methods of potted jujube trees

    Potted jujube trees can blossom in the same year, some of them can bear fruit, and the leaves are small and red. Jujube potted trees can be planted in open spaces, houses and balconies with better light conditions. This paper introduces the cultivation methods of potted jujube trees.

  • How many years do jujube trees usually bear fruit?

    How many years do jujube trees usually bear fruit?

    Growing in mountains, hills or plains below 1700 meters above sea level, red jujube is a thermophilic fruit tree with strong tolerance to drought and waterlogging, but it requires higher air humidity during flowering, otherwise it is disadvantageous to pollination and fruit setting, and is sensitive to light. Strong adaptability to soil, barren, salt and alkali tolerance, but afraid of wind

  • Tree structure and shaping and pruning techniques of jujube

    Tree structure and shaping and pruning techniques of jujube

    Tree structure and shaping and pruning techniques of jujube 1 generally speaking, there are 3 kinds of branches and 2 kinds of buds in jujube trees. The branches are jujube head (developmental branch), jujube strand (fruiting mother branch) and jujube hanging (fruiting branch) (figure 1). The bud is divided into main buds.

  • Jujube trees are planted for several years before they bear fruit. How many years is the life span?

    Jujube trees are planted for several years before they bear fruit. How many years is the life span?

    Jujube trees, as many people know, can generally be seen by the roadside, so how many years do jujube trees grow before they bear fruit? How many years is the life span: jujube trees are planted for several years before they bear fruit: jujube seedlings usually bear fruit in the second year after planting. As the saying goes, peaches, plums, pears, walnuts, persimmons, and mulberry can feed silkworms in seven years.

  • Planting methods and cultivation techniques of winter jujube

    Planting methods and cultivation techniques of winter jujube

    Winter jujube is an excellent variety of late-ripening fresh food of thornless jujube, also known as Miaoshangfu, Yanlaihong, apple jujube and so on. In recent years, the market is in short supply and has high economic value. To vigorously develop the production of winter jujube, higher economic, ecological and social benefits can be obtained.

  • Does it make money to grow winter dates? How to plant winter jujube trees? How to manage it?

    Does it make money to grow winter dates? How to plant winter jujube trees? How to manage it?

    Winter jujube (also known as Yanlai red, apple jujube, Bingtang jujube, Huanghua winter jujube, Miao Shangdong jujube, Zhanhua winter jujube) is generally naturally mature and listed in the Gregorian calendar from October to November, so it is named after the cold weather in the north. Does it make money to grow winter dates? How to plant winter jujube trees? How to manage it? The prospect of planting winter jujube trees

  • Does it make money to grow winter dates? How to plant winter jujube trees? How to manage it?

    Does it make money to grow winter dates? How to plant winter jujube trees? How to manage it?

    Winter jujube (also known as Yanlai red, apple jujube, Bingtang jujube, Huanghua winter jujube, Miao Shangdong jujube, Zhanhua winter jujube) is generally naturally mature and listed in the Gregorian calendar from October to November, so it is named after the cold weather in the north. Does it make money to grow winter dates? How to plant winter jujube trees? How

    2020-11-09 Planting winter jujube making money Mo winter how planting management
  • Various misunderstandings and Countermeasures in the cultivation and Management of Lizao and Dongzao trees

    Various misunderstandings and Countermeasures in the cultivation and Management of Lizao and Dongzao trees

    Various misunderstandings and countermeasures in the cultivation and management of pear jujube and winter jujube trees; various misunderstandings and countermeasures in the cultivation and management of pear jujube and winter jujube; if pear jujube and winter jujube want to achieve high yield, stable yield and high quality can not be determined by a single measure.

  • Seven attentions for girdling in planting jujube trees

    Seven attentions for girdling in planting jujube trees

    I think everyone is very familiar with the jujube tree, many people should have witnessed the growth process of the jujube, as the saying goes, eating three dates a day, youth will never grow old, so the jujube is deeply loved by everyone. Don't underestimate the dates, in fact, they contain a big nutritional price.

    2020-11-08 Planting jujube ring peeling seven attention I think everyone all
  • Symptom characteristics and control measures of jujube leprosy

    Symptom characteristics and control measures of jujube leprosy

    Jujube leprosy symptoms and control measures Jujube leprosy, also known as "jujube cancer disease", witches disease, broom disease, is a destructive infectious disease on jujube, jujube once infected with the disease, generally 2~6 years after the disease can be the whole plant death.

  • Planting techniques and key points of cultivation and management of jujube

    Planting techniques and key points of cultivation and management of jujube

    Red jujube, also known as jujube, jujube, thorn jujube, Guanzao, etc., is a small deciduous tree of Rhamnaceae, native to China, and is often cultivated in Asia, Europe and America. It is rich in vitamin C and vitamin P, in addition to fresh food, it can often be made into candied and preserved fruits such as honey jujube, red jujube, smoked jujube, black jujube, wine jujube and tooth jujube.

  • Why should jujube trees be cut around (time) what is the best fertilizer for jujube trees

    Why should jujube trees be cut around (time) what is the best fertilizer for jujube trees

    Peach, jujube and orange trees are planted in many people's homes in the countryside. After all, every household in the countryside basically has land to grow some crops. For people who grew up in some cities, they don't know much about the growth of these crops.

    2020-11-08 Jujube tree why want ring cutting time what to apply what to fertilizer
  • Application of Lignification Jujube hanging production Technology to improve Jujube yield and benefit

    Application of Lignification Jujube hanging production Technology to improve Jujube yield and benefit

    Using Lignified jujube hanging production technology to improve jujube yield and benefit Chaoyang County is a key jujube producing area in Liaoning Province. With a long history of jujube cultivation and rich experience, Chaoyang County has become a jujube farmer with a planting area of about 330000 mu and producing 80 million kg of fresh jujube.

  • [planting strategy] when do jujube trees usually be trimmed? Teach you these 8 pruning techniques!

    [planting strategy] when do jujube trees usually be trimmed? Teach you these 8 pruning techniques!

    Jujube is a small tree growing in the temperate zone. Proper pruning of jujube can cultivate a tree shape suitable for jujube growth and development and high yield, achieve high yield and prolong the fruiting life. When does the jujube tree usually be trimmed? Pruning techniques of jujube trees

    2020-11-09 [ planting strategy ] jujube general when pruning teaching
  • The latest course of cultivation techniques and methods of winter jujube

    The latest course of cultivation techniques and methods of winter jujube

    Winter jujube is an excellent variety of late ripening fresh food of thornless jujube, also known as Miaoshangfu, Yanlaihong, apple jujube and so on. In recent years, the market is in short supply and has high economic value. To vigorously develop the production of winter jujube, higher economic, ecological and social benefits can be obtained.

    2020-11-10 The latest winter jujube cultivation techniques methods tutorials winter jujube is
  • Jujube-grain intercropping technique

    Jujube-grain intercropping technique

    1 the scientific basis of jujube-grain intercropping 1.1 grasp the time difference between jujube and crop growth, and make full use of fertilizer and water resources jujube is a fruit tree with late germination, early deciduous leaves and short annual growth period. Generally, it begins to sprout in mid-April, leaves fall in mid-late October, wheat is sown in late September, and harvested in early June of the following year. The symbiotic period between jujube and wheat is about 80-90 days. From the middle of May to the first ten days of June, wheat blossoms, grain filling to maturity, mainly absorbing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, supplemented by nitrogen fertilizer. The jujube tree has long leaves and differentiates buds.

  • Jujube cultivation techniques Climatic conditions for jujube planting

    Jujube cultivation techniques Climatic conditions for jujube planting

    Jujube has a strong ability to adapt to climate and soil. The lowest temperature in winter is not lower than-31 ℃, and the daily average of flowering is above 22-24 ℃.

  • Management technology of winter jujube in greenhouse for several years

    Management technology of winter jujube in greenhouse for several years

    Winter jujube is a kind of sweet fruit that many people like to eat, and many people will choose a big sweet one when buying winter jujube. at the same time, winter jujube is a high-quality late-ripening fresh food variety in northern Shandong Province. It is called winter jujube because of its late maturity. It is said that the nutritional value of winter jujube is also very good.

    2020-11-08 Winter jujube several years hanging fruit greenhouse management technology winter jujube yes
  • The latest key points of jujube tree pruning

    The latest key points of jujube tree pruning

    Jujube needs pruning branches and leaves in the process of growth, which can improve the yield and quality of jujube, so how to prune jujube generally? Are there any special points to pay attention to when trimming? When is the best pruning time?

    2020-11-10 The latest jujube pruning key points raw growing in the process
  • How to trim the jujube tree?

    How to trim the jujube tree?

    How to trim the jujube tree? Do you have a picture introduction? Also ask experienced netizens to help guide jujube growth process, there are main buds, secondary buds, hidden buds, adventitious buds; branches have jujube head (developmental branch), secondary branch (fruiting base branch), jujube strand (fruiting mother branch), jujube hanging (fruiting branch), jujube tree needs in the growth process.
